what to know about mouth cancer

Early Detection Saves Lives: What To Know About Mouth Cancer

With the holiday season fast approaching, your mind is probably focused on festivities and family gatherings. But there’s something else to consider this time of year: Mouth Cancer Awareness Month. While it’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of the season, November is the perfect time to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and treatment of mouth cancer. Although not as common as other cancers in the United States, understanding the risks and taking preventive steps can make all the difference. Read on to learn more.

Celebrate World Smile Day 😊

Aside from Halloween, there is another special day happening in October—World Smile Day! This annual celebration falls on the first Friday of October, this year it will be Friday, October 4, 2024. World Smile Day is all about spreading joy through smiles and acts of kindness, and as experts in creating beautiful smiles, we want to help you feel confident showing off yours! Check out these helpful tips to keep your smile bright and healthy.

inspect your gums

Let’s Celebrate National Gum Care Month

At NYC Smile Spa, we are committed to your complete oral health. Often, patients believe that their dental care only involves the state of their teeth, when that can’t be further from the truth. When you visit our office for an oral hygiene examination and cleaning, we are not only cleaning the teeth and looking for tooth decay but also examining the health of your gums. September is National Gum Care Month, a time when we help people understand the importance of healthy gums. More than half of American adults experience gum disease at some point during their lifetime.

good dental habits while traveling

Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health Habits While Traveling

Do you have any upcoming travel plans? We love hearing about all of your wonderful trips and vacations. Traveling can be exciting and fun, but it’s important to continue to care for your oral health while you are away. We would hate for you to relax your routine or forget an important dental care item and experience complications as a result. We want to share some oral health tips to keep in mind for your next trip:

does my dentist know?

Does My Dentist Know I Don’t Care For My Teeth?

At NYC Smile Spa, we encourage our patients to visit our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning every four to six months. The time between visits is determined based on the state of your oral health. Children, teens, and most adults should visit the dentist every six months, while those with conditions like gum disease will need to see us more often. During these visits, we can determine quite a few things about your brushing habits as well as the types of foods you eat and some of your habits.

your emotional state and your oral health

Does Your Emotional State Affect Your Oral Health?

You may be surprised to learn that your emotions and how you feel can affect the state of your oral health. If you are not feeling your best and have the blues, you may not feel like cleaning your teeth properly, eating the right foods, or even visiting medical professionals for regular appointments, such as oral hygiene examination appointments in our office. Over time, this behavior can lead to serious problems with your teeth and gums, such as dental decay and gum disease.

why we recommend professional teeth cleanings

Has It Been A While Since We’ve Seen You?

We are passionate about our patients visiting our office for routine oral hygiene examinations. Do you remember the last time you visited our office for an examination and cleaning? If it has been some time since your last visit, you may be due for an appointment. Since we are still so fresh into the new year, it is the perfect time for a visit. No matter how well you clean your teeth on your own throughout the year, routine dental exams are a must. Read on to learn about the importance of a professional teeth cleaning and examination.

bleeding gums

What Is Causing Your Gums To Bleed?

Do you often notice that the water when you rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth is pink or red? If so, you may be experiencing bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can happen to anyone and doesn’t always indicate a problem with your oral health. It can happen because of something as simple as food being trapped between the teeth. If you experience bleeding gums frequently, it may be an indication that there is a problem with your oral health. Some possible causes of bleeding gums include:

warning signs

Don’t Ignore These 4 Warning Signs

We are passionate about our patients having healthy teeth and mouths. You only have one set of teeth to last your lifetime, and not caring for your teeth and mouth properly can lead to serious issues with discomfort as well as the need for dental intervention. Thankfully, your teeth and mouth offer warning signs to indicate a problem may have developed. Read on to learn more about the warning signs you should be looking for between your oral hygiene appointments.